Why You Need to Stay Away from Alcohol

Since for some people there can’t be a celebration without alcohol, it helps to know the dangers and steer clear of trouble or even...

Things to Avoid to Look Right

Let’s be honest: when we look good, we feel good (and vice versa). The desire to want to look good every day is by...

Car rental Safety Tips for Uganda Visitors

Car rental agencies emphasize the safety of its client and this has enabled them to keep in business for this long. Car rental Uganda...

A Journey to Karamoja

I arrived at the Bus Park at exactly 6:00am and the action was already on; touts courting passengers. One sought me out shouting, "Mbarara?"...

Gardening Guide to Growing Tomatoes

Rose Kyeyune's tomato plants were a foot tall, healthy, vigorous and ready to go into the ground. But there was no ground left. Normally she...

How to Spend Less when Shopping

More than half of all grocery purchases are unplanned! No wonder creating and sticking to a list can bring down grocery costs. But that's not...