Why a Self Drive Safari in Uganda is the Best Option

Self drive Car rental services are increasingly becoming a popular way of life in East Africa and in Uganda self guided safaris are the...

Guide to Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

A life-changing experience! This is what most tourists say after they visit the mountain gorillas in Uganda. We totally agree since we spend many...

Rafting the White Nile with Nalubale

Since the start of the 21st century, River Nile has been repeatedly ranked by Travel Media and Travel Advisories among Africa’s seven wonders. This...

The People of Uganda

Made up of five major ethnic groups, the natives of Uganda speak over 30 languages and dialects. Amidst this diversity, Uganda is a nation...

The Ssese Islands, a Place to Go and Relax anytime of...

Journey to the Kalagala Island Boarding a ferry at Nakiwongo, Entebbe, enjoying a 3:30 hour's cruise to the Ssese Islands (made of 84 islands) one...

5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Bwindi National Park

Bwindi national park is a true rain forest found in the western side of Uganda. Tourism in this forest is based on gorilla tracking;...

Samuel Baker Foot Steps at Baker’s Historical Trail

The popular Murchison Falls National Park is Uganda’s oldest and largest protected area and albeit one of the visited parks. A visit to the...

Planning a Budget Primate Safari in Uganda

Are you planning to go on a budget safari to Uganda? This is an opportunity to participate in this activity and save more money...

Best Places to See Gorillas & Chimpanzees

Uganda and Rwanda are the top destinations for mountain gorilla tracking and chimpanzee watching in Africa. Many tour operators and travel experts in Uganda...

Entebbe Town and its Features

Entebbe is a pleasant town built on the shores of Lake Victoria in Uganda. Entebbe offers a relaxed stop-over alternative to Kampala if you’re...

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