Mistakes to Avoid When Booking a Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Gorilla Safari

Gorilla trekking is one of the highly demanded tourist activities in Uganda and the world at large. Many people yearn to go on a gorilla safari because it is regarded as a lifetime event however, there are common mistakes people do when booking a gorilla safari in Uganda. In this article, we are giving some of them below:

  • Perceiving false information from the internet – there is much false information circulating on social media and other forums on the internet. If you land on such false information, you will be misled or conned thus failing to make it.
  • Book wrong dates – because of much false information on the internet, you can be misleading and end up booking wrong dates for gorilla permits, accommodation, visas or flights, and so on.
  • Booking accommodation in the wrong location from where you planned to trek gorillas from. If you are to trek in Buhoma and you book accommodation in Rushaga, that is wrong. Since gorilla trekking begins early in the morning at 7:30 am, it’s wise to book your lodges, hotel near to the tracking center.
  • Flying into the wrong Airport – If you are to trek gorillas in Uganda, do not fly into the airport far away from Uganda. For that case, you can from to Kigali Airport or any airport in Kenya or Tanzania – then drive to Uganda but very important to fly to Entebbe Airport.
  • Organizing wrong gorilla trekking gear – If you are to trek Gorillas seek proper guidance from experts/ local tour operator on the ground to list for you proper gorilla trekking gear.
  • Booking with the wrong tour operator- it’s malicious to book your lifetime safari with an inexperienced or incompetent tour agency. Try to look for reputable tour operators whom many past travelers recommend – visit the Trip Advisor forum to get one.
  • Selecting a wrong gorilla trekking sector – for all along, you wanted to trek in the Buhoma sector but due to wrong guidance, you may end up being taken to the Ruhija sector instead.
  • Selecting unsuitable quotation – Choose a quotation that suits your budget, schedule, and interest. Due to poor guidance, you may end up choosing luxury yet your budget suits the budget option. You are therefore cautioned to be keen when choosing a quotation.
  • Compacting your gorilla safari with many activities may be exhausting. Make your safari flexible to get the time of relaxing and interrupting at leisure.
  • Booking in the wrong season – too much rainy season is not recommended for gorilla trekking. Rain season makes gorilla trekking trails slipper and gorillas tend to be dormant because of coldness. The dry season is the best time for gorilla trekking though the activity is done all year round.
  • Not willing to change – Some clients are too rigid and not willing to adjust in case a new change arises.  For the trip to be successful, you need to accept changes for the good of the tour operator and you – the traveler.

In conclusion, the above mistakes should be avoided by making serious research before making the final decision.


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